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Woking Schools Learning Partnership (WSLP)

St. Dunstan’s is part of the group of local schools known as the Woking Schools Learning Partnership (WSLP).

The Woking Schools Learning Partnership works collaboratively with its member schools to provide a collaborative educational system for all the children in Woking.  It offers support through its Leadership, Early Years, Teachers and CPD sections, along with a forum which will enable staff to communicate with each other on current issues and ask questions or obtain best practice ideas.
Activities and events are planned for the children across the schools and are co-ordinated to enable local schools to come together, whatever their status, and take part in projects together, sharing, networking and collaborating.

WASPs (Woking Area Sports Association)  WASPs

St. Dunstan’s takes part in many sporting competitions across the year through our belonging to WASPs.

Woking Schools Learning Partnership